give due regard to the urgency of 意味

  • ~の緊急度{きんきゅう ど}に正しい配慮{はいりょ}を払う


        with due regard for:    ~に当然払うべき注意{ちゅうい}[敬意{けいい}]を払って
        have due regard to:    ~を十分顧慮{じゅうぶん こりょ}する
        with due regard for the safety of others:    他人{たにん}の安全{あんぜん}に当然払うべき注意{ちゅうい}を払って
        give due:     gíve O O's dúe ((正式))〈(好ましくない)人〉の能力[優れた点]を正当に評価する.
        give due attention to:    ~に当然{とうぜん}の配慮{はいりょ}をする
        give due consideration:    十分{じゅうぶん}に考慮{こうりょ}する、適切{てきせつ}な配慮{はいりょ}をする
        give due consideration in:    ~を十分に考慮する
        give due weight:    しかるべく考慮する、相応の重要性を与える
        give due weight to:    ~をしかるべく考慮する、~に相応の重要性を与える
        give someone due respect:    (人)に一目置く
        give someone his due:    {1} : (人)を正当{せいとう}に[相応{そうおう}に]評価{ひょうか}する -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : (好ましくない人を)それなりに認めてやる◆【同】give the devil his due
        give the devil his due:    悪い[気に入らない]人にも良いところは認めてやる
        to give the devil his due:    公平な目で見れば、正直言って
        urgency:     urgency n. 緊急. 【動詞+】 recognize the urgency of the situation 時局の緊急性を認める. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a matter of extreme urgency きわめて急を要する問題 a problem of great urgency 非常に緊急な問題 How much urge
        with urgency:    緊急性{きんきゅうせい}のある


  1. "give due consideration to the concerns of developing countries" 意味
  2. "give due consideration to the natural environment" 意味
  3. "give due consideration to the progress of economic reforms" 意味
  4. "give due credit to someone for heading up" 意味
  5. "give due regard to" 意味
  6. "give due respect to the principle of market mechanism" 意味
  7. "give due weight" 意味
  8. "give due weight to" 意味
  9. "give due weight to differences" 意味
  10. "give due credit to someone for heading up" 意味
  11. "give due regard to" 意味
  12. "give due respect to the principle of market mechanism" 意味
  13. "give due weight" 意味

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